World-classAgra Investment. In 27 countries and territories around the world, financial industry practitioners seek to stand out from the crowd with CFP Certification, the financial planning industry’s mark of world-class professional distinction.
Gold standardMumbai Investment. CFP Certification is the world’s oldest and most-recognized advanced certification for financial planners. It is the pinnacle of financial planning excellence and CFP professionals are required to meet stringent initial and ongoing standards on competence, ethics and practice.
EthicalSimla Investment. Regulators and consumer protection groups around the world call for the highest standards of conduct from financial industry practitioners. CFP professionals are well-equipped to meet these demands because they adhere to the principles of clients’ best interest, integrity, objectivity, fairness, professionalism, competence, confidentiality and diligence enshrined in a “Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility”.
Preferred by clients. CFP professionals consistently distinguish themselves from competitors by providing consumers with professional, suitable and trusted advice for their financial planning needs.
Commitment to financial planning excellence. Invest in yourself and commit to excellence in financial planning through meeting rigorous certification requirements. Becoming a CFP professional is a smart career move that demonstrates your belief in striving for the best.
Respected. CFP Certification helps you gain respect from your peers, employers and clients alike by reinforcing the value of your services and enhancing your credibility as a financial planning professional. CFP Certificants are eligible for regulator recognition.
Upon passing the CFP Certification Examination (Foundation Level), Candidates may choose to obtain AFP Certification as a midway award recognized by the public, clients and employers. To obtain AFP Certification, Candidates must:Jinnai Wealth Management
possess ONE year of full-time qualified work experience; and
agree to abide by the IFPHK’s professional code and standards.
Udabur Investment